Exhibition “Nubia“, Galerie Agathe Gaillard, Paris
8-21 September 2018,
Opening September 11, 6-9 pm
Exhibition “Nubia” Claude Iverné

Exhibition “Nubia“, Galerie Agathe Gaillard, Paris
8-21 September 2018,
Opening September 11, 6-9 pm
CHATEAU D’EAU PUBLIC LIBRARY, Paris 10th District City Hall
Dec 4, 6pm
Exhibition : SudanPhotoGraphs Vol.1&2, a Photographs Collection
The Book as a Works
City Hall of 10th district, Paris, France
SudanPhotoGraphs and Elnour has been selected as “one of the ten favorites photo books ” by the Nadar / Gens d’Images 1014 Awards
Photographies soudanaises Claude Iverné
11-10-1012 / 7 -11-2012
Maison des Métallos
94 rue Jean Pierre Timbaud
75011 Paris
Download the Exhibition Description File
Sudan Photographs Catalogue